Hiebeler, Matlab / R Reference 4 No. Description Matlab R 15 Build a vector containing n equally-spaced values be-tween a and b inclusive linspace(a,b,n) seq(a,b,length.out=n) or just seq(a,b,len=n) 16 Build a vector containing n logarithmically equally-spaced values between 10a and 10b inclusive logspace(a,b,n) 10^seq(a,b,len=n). Physics 263: MATLAB Cheatsheet III This is the third collection of basic information and techniques for using MATLAB. Symbolic Partial Derivatives This is a supplement to the discussion from “MATLAB Cheatsheet I”. Any symbol other than the differentiation variable in a function being differentiated using diff is assumed to be constant. MATLAB For Dummies Cheat Sheet By Jim Sizemore, John Paul Mueller MATLAB is an incredibly flexible environment that you can use to perform all sorts of math tasks. A large array of engineering and science disciplines can use MATLAB to meet specific needs in their environment.
In the Python code we assume that you have already run importnumpyasnp
In the Julia, we assume you are using v1.0.2 or later with Compat v1.3.0 or later and have run usingLinearAlgebra,Statistics,Compat
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Row vector: size (1, n) | |||
Column vector: size (n, 1) | |||
1d array: size (n, ) | Not possible | or | |
Integers from j to n withstep size k | |||
Linearly spaced vectorof k points |
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Create a matrix | |||
2 x 2 matrix of zeros | |||
2 x 2 matrix of ones | |||
2 x 2 identity matrix | |||
Diagonal matrix | |||
Uniform random numbers | |||
Normal random numbers | |||
Sparse Matrices | |||
Tridiagonal Matrices |
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Transpose | |||
Complex conjugate transpose(Adjoint) | |||
Concatenate horizontally | or | or | |
Concatenate vertically | or | or | |
Reshape (to 5 rows, 2 columns) | |||
Convert matrix to vector | |||
Flip left/right | |||
Flip up/down | |||
Repeat matrix (3 times in therow dimension, 4 times in thecolumn dimension) | |||
Preallocating/Similar | N/A similar type | ||
Broadcast a function over acollection/matrix/vector | Functions broadcast directly | Functions broadcast directly |
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Access one element | |||
Access specific rows | |||
Access specific columns | |||
Remove a row | |||
Diagonals of matrix | |||
Get dimensions of matrix |
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Dot product | |||
Matrix multiplication | |||
Inplace matrix multiplication | Not possible | ||
Element-wise multiplication | |||
Matrix to a power | |||
Matrix to a power, elementwise | |||
Inverse | or | or | |
Determinant | |||
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors | |||
Euclidean norm | |||
Solve linear system(Ax=b) (when (A)is square) | |||
Solve least squares problem(Ax=b) (when (A)is rectangular) |
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Sum / max / min ofeach column | |||
Sum / max / min of each row | |||
Sum / max / min ofentire matrix | |||
Cumulative sum / max / minby row | |||
Cumulative sum / max / minby column |
Operation | MATLAB | Python | Julia |
Comment one line | |||
Comment block | |||
For loop | |||
While loop | |||
If | |||
If / else | |||
Print text and variable | |||
Function: anonymous | |||
Function | |||
Tuples | Can use cells but watch performance | ||
Named Tuples/Anonymous Structures | |||
Closures | |||
Inplace Modification | No consistent or simple syntaxto achieve this |