1. Citrix Receiver Chrome App Mac
  2. Citrix Receiver Chrome Application
  3. Citrix Receiver Chrome App
  4. Citrix Receiver For Chrome Os

Recommended solution: Update the certificates.

Citrix Receiver Chrome App Mac

Citrix Download and Install procedure - Chrome 4 You will now have access to the apps and the desktop. When you click an app it will show the following screen, “Starting”. Clicking the desktop tab you will see only one icon, click this to access your desktop. There are two ways to ensure that Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops can work on a Chromebook. IT professionals can either use the HTML5 receiver, which is a pure web-based client, or the Chrome OS Citrix Workspace app, which administrators can deploy through the Chrome marketplace if they manage their clients via G Suite. One of the most popular browsers today, Google Chrome, is a must-have for many Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environments. Google Chrome was primarily oriented at consumers and desktop operating systems when launched, but today, it is common in the Enterprise and more administrators are deploying this browser in their Virtual Apps and Desktops environments.

Citrix Receiver Chrome Application

Citrix receiver for chrome appCitrix Receiver Chrome AppReceiver

Alternatively, you can try this workaround:

  1. Close the Citrix Workspace app for Chrome / Citrix Receiver for Chrome.

  2. Open Chrome browser in your Chromebook.

  3. Visit your site.

  4. It will show some error as below.

Citrix Receiver Chrome App

Citrix Receiver Chrome App

Now, open the Citrix Workspace app for Chrome or Citrix Receiver for Chrome and it might allow you to access your StoreFront/VDA.

Citrix Receiver For Chrome Os

Other possible workaround for specific certificate error:

    Latest Firefox and Chrome browsers do not support SHA-1 certificate and StoreFront connection fails with error: NET::ERR_CERT_WEAK_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM
    Citrix Receiver for Chrome/HTML5 or Citrix Workspace app for Chrome/HTML5 cannot establish secure connection and session launch will fail

    Chrome requires Subject Alternative Name for SHA-2 certificate, without SAN (Subject Alternative Name) in the SHA-2 certificate, the connection will fail with error NET::ERR_CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID
    Session launch fails with CERT_COMMON_NAME_INVALID(-200) error dialog

    • Mozilla:

      Enable network.websocket.allowInsecureFormHTTPS from about:config

    • Chrome:
      Chrome by default requires SHA2 Certificate with Subject Alternative Names (SAN)
      Add the following registry keys at : SoftwarePoliciesGoogleChrome

    • EnableCommonNameFallbackForLocalAnchors – true
      (Note: Chrome need SAN by default)

    • EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors – true
      (Note: SHA1 is not supported)
      Recommended Solution: Use SHA2 certificates with Subject Alternative Names (SAN).

      Problem Cause: Download notebook driver.

    • CTX134123 - Receiver for HTML5 - Unable to Launch Apps Using HTTPS URL

    • CTX217352 - How to Collect Logs in Receiver for Chrome and Receiver for HTML5

    From Chrome OS version 66 onwards the SSL certificate from Symantec is distrusted. You can go through https://security.googleblog.com/2018/03/distrust-of-symantec-pki-immediate.html to know more about it.
    Workaround: Try general workaround mention above.
    Recommended Solution: Update SSL certificates.