While it was once rather complex to allocate more RAM in Minecraft, the release of the third-party ATLauncher changed all that. Here’s how to allocate more RAM in Minecraft on PC, and for those running Minecraft on a server too.
- Minecraft 1.17 Server Jar
- Minecraft Server Jar Files
Minecraft is a popular game and is loved by every gamer of this generation, Minecraft has made itself a name over the past few years, It is currently owned and operated by Microsoft and the game is available on Windows, Mac, Nintendo Switch, PS4, and of course, Xbox One. Minecraft is also a multiplayer game where you can enjoy it with your friends and family by connecting Minecraft using Ip address.
Start your server once. Go the the folder where your Minecraft server files are stored. It is usually the folder that contains minecraftserver.jar, craftbukkit.jar (not on all servers), server.properties, etc. Double-click eula.txt to open it. If you’re on Windows, it should open. An extensive list of download links to older minecraft.jars and minecraftserver.jars can be found on The links provided on that site are the same as the download links provided in Mojang's update posts, like this one, and hosted by Mojang themselves (Rehosting would. Download minecraftserver.1.16.5.jar and run it with the following command: java -Xmx1024M -Xms1024M -jar minecraftserver.1.16.5.jar nogui Should you want to start the server with its graphical user interface you can leave out the 'nogui' part.
One of the problems with Minecraft is that, The default RAM that is allocated to your server is 1 GB, which will eventually ruin your gaming experience as it won’t be able to handle big Worlds. Fortunately, There are ways by which you can Allocate more RAM to your Minecraft server and have a better gaming experience.
Allocate More RAM to a Minecraft Server
If the RAM allocated to your Minecraft server is not enough for you to experience the game without any interruption, and wants to allocate more RAM to your Minecraft server, Follow these steps-
Note: Before proceeding, Make sure that you have enough RAM available on your Computer to serve Minecraft as well as your daily computing tasks.
- Open Notepad on your computer, You can do this by clicking on the start button and selecting notepad from the “All Apps” list on Windows.
- Paste in the following line – java -Xmx3072M -Xms3072M -jar yourserver.jar
- Replace yourserver.jar with your server jar file.
- Finally, Press “Ctrl + S” or click, File >> Save as and save the file as “run.bat”
- Copy the File to your Minecraft server’s folder where your server.jar file is located.
Once you have copied the file to the correct location, Double-click on the run.bat file to start your server. This will allocate an additional 3 GB of RAM to your Minecraft Server. If you want to allocate more or less then simply change the 3072M with the number of your choice. For example, if you want to allocate an additional 1 GB only then use 1024M instead of 3072 and for additional ram simply multiple 1024 with the RAM GB’s to get the exact number to put in the notepad file.
Allocate More RAM to Minecraft server using Default Launcher
If you want to use your default Minecraft launcher to change the RAM of your minecraft server then please use Minecraft Java 8 64 bit as this feature is not available in older versions.
Once you have your Minecraft up to date, Follow these steps:
- Start Minecraft on your Computer.
- Head over to the “Installation” Tab on your Screen.
- Under “Edit Installation“, Click on “More” button to get additional settings.
- Look for “JVM Arguments” and click on the box below which says something like “-Xmx2G-XX” where 2 means 2GB RAM is allocated to the server.
- Change this number to whatever you want and click “Save“.
Allocate More RAM to Minecraft server using Third-Party Launcher
A third-party ATLauncher makes it an easy task to Allocate extra RAM to your Minecraft Server. It is just a 3-4 steps process and even a beginner would understand it without any technical knowledge. Here’s how to allocate more RAM to the Minecraft server using ATlauncher.
Before proceeding please make sure that you have the latest version of Minecraft installed on your computer. You can check for the latest version of Minecraft WIKI. If you don’t know how to check your Minecraft version then follow a guide written on Minecraft outdated server.
- Download and install ATLauncher on your Computer.
- Launch the ATLauncher App by Double-clicking the icon.
- Look for the “Settings” option on the Bottom right of the Right-Pane menu and click it.
- From the Top menu bar, Select Java/Minecraft and look for the Maximum MemoryRam field
- Enter your RAM Allocation in MB and not GB (if you want to allocate 1 GB then enter 1024 MB).
- Click Save.
The Next time you will open Minecraft on your Computer, the Allocated RAM will be assigned to it.
As you can see it is easy to allocate RAM to your Minecraft server. All the 3 mentioned methods are working and tested. Please make sure to allocate RAM in MB’s in the first and last method whereas for the second method allocate RAM in GB.
This guide will help you on how you can install Fabric in your Minecraft Server.
📜 What is Fabric?Fabric is a Custom Jar File modded-friendly that usually helps some Modpacks in their performance as well as dependency for specified mods.
📜 Downloading Fabric Server FilesTo install Fabric in your server is very simple.
Firstly go to the Official Fabric's website on here and download the Server Jar File.
You can also access the download link page using the following link:
Select the option for ' Server ' and click to download the Installer Jar file.Once downloaded create a folder in your Desktop called ' /jar '.Execute the Fabric Installer jar file you just downloaded.Select the option for ' Server '.Select your wished version.Click to browse a location to save the files and select the ' jar ' folder you just created.After doing that, Fabric will start downloading files. It will also put them into the folder you selected.
NOTE:If it shows the following message:
No worries, just click to download the Minecraft Server.
You'll notice that a download progress message will show up.
Once finished, click on ' Done '.📜 Installing Fabric in your ServerBack to your Multicraft Panel and stop your server.
Access your server FTP File access.💭 You can read more FTP File Access with the following link:
Open your server's /jar directory and delete everything that is inside it.Open your Jar folder you created and rename the 'fabric-server-launch' file to 'custom', so it should be a 'custom.jar' file.
💭 The 'fabric-server-launch.jar' must be inside the server's /jar directory. And the 'server.jar' in the main directory. (Outside the jar folder)
Differently from a modpack installation, you must upload the 'server.jar' file to the main FTP directory. And once 'fabric-server-launch.jar' file is inside your server /jar directory, you can back to your server and change the server type to 'custom'. (Make sure to also rename the 'fabric-server-launch.jar' to 'custom.jar'.
Set it to 'Custom'Click on Save.Minecraft 1.17 Server Jar
Start your server.- > Remember that it is highly recommended to generate a new world afterwards!
Feel free to open a ticket in your Client Area if you need help.Useful Links:Fabric's WIKIMinecraft Server Jar Files
Changing your server version and typeMinecraft ModpacksHow To: Reset your worldHow to install Mods on your serverPublished on: 12 / 22 / 2019